Archive for September, 2009

Evidence From Creation Foundation

September 27th, 2009

Bible Many Christians consider creation irrelevant. They believe it makes no difference whether God used creation or evolution to create mankind and the Bible can be interpreted in many ways. Atheists have a much better understanding of the importance of this issue, as shown by the following quote from American Atheist Magazine, 2/78, p. 19,30:

“Christianity has fought, still fights, and will [always] fight to the desperate end over evolution, because evolution destroys utterly and finally the very reason Jesus’ earthly life was supposedly made necessary…Destroy Adam and Eve and the original sin, and in the rubble you will find the sorry remains of the Son of God. [You will] take away the meaning of his death…If Jesus was not the redeemer who died for our sins, and this is what evolution means, then Christianity is nothing!”

Logic allows no other alternatives. If God used evolution to create us, then we came from some sort of apelike creature. Therefore Adam and Eve must be a myth. Where is the Fall of man? At what point did the apes (ruled by instinct) rebel against their creator? Why do we need a Savior if we were created from apes and are just doing what comes natural to us? The Bible calls Jesus the “second Adam.” Was the first Adam a man or an apelike creature? What does that make Christ? Did God create the current world (with all of its problems and suffering), or is this fallen state a result of man’s rebellion? Acceptance of evolution is a poison which will destroy true Christianity. The evidence for this can be seen in the decline of the evangelical belief in Europe as the acceptance of evolution has increased.

The above document was written by Bruce Malone and quoted in A Closer Look At The Evidence by Richard & Tina Kleiss.

The first man was of the earth, made of dust; the second Man is the Lord from heaven. (1 Corinthians 15:47 NKJV)

…just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin… (Romans 5:12 NKJV)


Evidence From History

September 26th, 2009


If a great flood did indeed wipe out everything on the earth about 5,000 years ago, then the oldest human records should only date back that far. This is exactly what we find. All civilized cultures on Earth seem to have appeared suddenly approximately 5,000 years ago.

Even more revealing is the fact that most ancient cultures began in an advanced state. There is no trace of “primitive” generations leading up to the sudden explosion of advanced civilizations across the world. Take, for example, the great Pyramid of Cheops near Cairo, Egypt. The intricacy and stability of this monument of human engineering is
unbelievable. The detailed planning necessary to construct this massive monument is phenomenal. Legends from surrounding people insist that the forefathers of the Egyptians (before the Flood) were even more knowledgeable! It has been widely reported that the Egyptian culture extends back 9,000 years or more, but the current trend among Egyptolgists is to revise these dates to a more recent date. This agrees well with the biblical timetable.
The sudden appearance of advanced civilizations supports what the Bible states: man was made in God’s image
(Genesis 1:26). From the beginning, man was a rational, creative, and very intelligent being. Anthropology, the science of origin, culture, and the development of human beings, confirms this fact.

The above document is from Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation, p.182 as quoted in A Closer Look At The Evidence by Richard & Tina Kleiss.


Evidence From Biology

September 22nd, 2009


A study of the monarch butterfly should convince  anyone of God’s amazing design. Consider just a few of the monarch’s abilities:
1. The female butterfly uses six sharp needles on her forelegs to test for food’s chemical composition. monarch caterpillar
2. The caterpillar increases in weight 2,700 percent in 20 days.
3. The female butterfly can smell a male butterfly two miles away.
4. The female butterfly can store sperm and delay egglaying for months if she is impregnated too close to migration time.
5. The butterfly navigates alone to a never-before-seen location over 2,000 miles away.
6. As a caterpillar, it digests only one type of plant, the milkweed, which is poisonous to other animals that eat it, but not to this caterpillar.
Milkweed-MonarchLarva17. The monarch butterfly chemically reconstructs itself from a caterpillar with six simple eyes which can only see in             black and white, a chewing mouthpiece, sixteen legs, and the ability to crawl. It becomes a butterfly with two eyes           that can see in color (each with 6,000 lenses), a sucking mouthpiece, six legs, four wings, and the ability to fly.
The probability of random-chance mutations evolving this perfectly timed, chemically miraculous metamorphosis from caterpillar to monarch butterfly is far beyond the realm of reason.
The above was quoted from From Darkness to Light to Flight as depicted in A Closer Look At The Evidence by Richard & Tina Kleiss.

…I will meditate on your wonderful works.  They will tell of the power of your awesome works, and I will proclaim your great deeds. (Psalms 145:5-6)


Evidence From Geology

September 15th, 2009

AG1060aTopsoil consists of weathered rock and organic material (decomposed from plants and animals). Millions of years should have produced extremely thick** layers of soil throughout the geological record. However, ancient topsoil layers are missing between virtually all rock layers. The geological record shows layers of sedimentary, metamorphic, or igneous rock deposited directly on top of one another. There are very few places where topsoil is found between these rock layers. So where is all the topsoil from millions of years of Earth history?

Standard geology teaches that land surfaces, supporting lush life, have been here continuously for hundreds of millions of years. Where is all the topsoil between the sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous layers which make up the geologic column*? The layers of rock in the geologic column*, with essentially no layers of topsoil in between them, seem to indicate that little time occurred between the deposition of these layers. In those few places where soil-type sediments are present between rock layers, there is evidence that they were deposited by flood waters.

The best explanation for the geological column is that these layers were deposited over a short period of time, one layer right after another, which allowed no time for topsoil to form between the layers. The virtual absence of topsoil within the geological column* is excellent evidence in support of the biblical claim for a young earth.

The above was quoted from The Young Earth, p.97-98 as depicted in A Closer Look At The Evidence by Richard & Tina Kleiss.

By wisdom the LORD laid the earth’s foundations, by understanding he set the heavens in place…. (Proverbs 3:19 )


* Editor’s Note: Charles Lyell created the geologic Column to explain the various rock layers and to bolster his belief in evolution. He also decided that it took millions of years (unlike the billions of today) to lay down all the various rock layers that he saw. He was also a strong proponent of uniformitarianism (a philosophy of science).

**Editor’s Note: The top soil is literally only a few inches thich all over the planet indicating a very young earth, not a very old earth as evolution requires.

Evidence From The Worldwide Flood

September 13th, 2009


Hundreds of giant fossils have been discovered over the years. These include ten-foot turtles, dragonflies with a two foot wingspan, and 50-foot-long crocodiles. Could the size of these creatures be the result of long lives and/or a more protective atmosphere? It is interesting to note that some reptiles today never stop growing, but continue to get larger as long as they live. The large size for prehistoric (i.e., pre-flood) reptiles, including dinosaurs, probably indicates very long lives. Even today, scientists do not fully understand what causes us to age and die. Given more ideal conditions and fewer genetic problems before the Flood, it is not hard to believe that pre-flood man could have lived 10 times longer than modern man.

Most likely the cause of the longer life expectancy before the flood was fewer genetic problems. Contrary to what evolutionists would have us believe, with every passing century the number of mistakes and problems on our genes increases. There is also an intriguing possibility that the original earth was protected by a water-canopy above the atmosphere. This protective canopy would have shielded living things from the harmful radiation which shortens life. This may help account for both early man’s long life span and larger animals. Josephus (a Jewish historian in 100 A.D.) records that the historians from nine other nations report people living up to 1,000 years old before the great Flood.

The above was quoted from Myths and Miracles, p.76 TJ Journal, 8(2):138-141, 1994 as depicted in A Closer Look At The Evidence by Richard & Tina Kleiss.

Altogether, Adam lived 930 years, and then he died. (Genesis 5:5)


Evidence From Earth’s Ecology

September 13th, 2009


There are several thousand species of wasps that help control crop pests by using them for food. These wasps are a popular form of pest control among farmers and gardeners. Biologists have found that the wasps do more than just eat the pests. The wasps also wage an incredibly complicated form of biological warfare.

Wasps inject their eggs directly into wormlike pest larvae. These eggs are coated with a virus that keeps the larvae from maturing until the young wasps hatch. The virus then seems to move to the larva’s liverlike organ and affects the insect’s immune system. The virus also acts on the larva’s endocrine system to take away its appetite. As a result, the larva destroys less crop, and being starved for food, does not develop into an adult. This gives the wasp eggs more time to develop into young wasps, who will then finish off the pests.

God created this earth with careful balance. Unfortunately this balance was upset by man’s actions in the Garden of Eden. The world we now live in groans with the pain of sin–resulting in warfare at all levels of the plant and animal kingdom. Yet God still designed and maintains a balance in the fallen creation. When mankind takes the time to study this finely balanced and intricately designed world, he can’t help but see God’s hand everywhere he looks.

It is my pleasure to tell you about the miraculous signs and wonders that the Most High God has performed for me. How great are his signs, how mighty his wonders!… (Daniel 4:2-3)

The above was quoted from Lett ing God Create Your Day, Vol. 3, p.216 as depicted in A Closer Look At The Evidence by Richard & Tina Kleiss.


Evidence From Anatomy

September 13th, 2009

Eye2The eye is an incredibly complex organ that moves 100,000 times in an average day. Numerous muscles and tear ducts are in place to keep the eye constantly moist, protected, and functional. Our eyes process 1.5 million bits of information simultaneously and provide 80% of the sensory stimulation sent to the brain. They receive light images traveling at 186,000 miles per second through the iris, which opens or closes to let in just the right amount of light. These images travel through a lens, made of transparent cells, which focuses them on the retina at the back of the eyeball. The retina covers less than one square inch of surface, yet this square inch contains approximately 137 million light-sensitive receptor  cells. Approximately 130 million are rod cells (designed specifically to see in black and white), and 7 million are cone cells (allowing color vision). Finally, the image is sent at a rate of 300 miles per hour to the brain for processing. How could all of this have come about by some step-by-step, random-chance evolutionary process?

Mankind has designed and patterned the camera after the eye. It is only reasonable to acknowledge that the eye, which is an infinitely more complex instrument, was also designed by intelligence.

The above was quoted from The Human Body: Accident or Design?, p.56-58 as depicted in A Closer Look At The Evidence by Richard & Tina Kleiss.

Ears that hear and eyes that see—the LORD has made them both. (Proverbs 20:12)


Evidence From Biology

September 13th, 2009


Some animals, such as the duckbilled platypus, have organs that completely confound any evolutionary explanation.
The platypus has a mixture of features from animals completely unrelated to its supposed ancestry. For instance:
1. The warm-blooded platypus feeds its babies milk like other mammals.
2. It lays leathery eggs, has a single ventral opening (for eliminating its waste, mating, and birth), and has claws and a shoulder girdle like most reptiles.
3. It can detect electrical currents like some fish.
4. It has webbed feet like an otter, a flat tail like a beaver, and the male can inject poison into its predators like a snake.
5. It has a bill like a duck.

It would seem that animals such as the platypus are God’s reminder of His unfathomable creativity. These animals
combine features from many unrelated creatures and have no logical place on the “evolutionary tree.” There is no direct evidence that any major group of animals (or plants) arose from any other group. Completely different types of animals are only observed going out of existence (extinctions), never coming into existence.

The above document is from  In the Beginning, 7th Ed., p.7 as quoted in A Closer Look At The Evidence by Richard & Tina Kleiss.

Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom….I will meditate on your wonderful works. They will tell of the power of your awesome works, and I will proclaim your great deeds. (Psalm 145:3,5,6)


Evidence From The Fossil Record

September 12th, 2009

diatom A microscopic sea creature known as a diatom has a shell which does not decompose when it dies. Instead, the shells gradually accumulate on the ocean bottom; and under just the right conditions they form deposits called diatomaceous earth. Such deposits have been found hundreds of feet thick and can be remarkably free of other contaminants. The existence of these deposits seemed a dilemma for young-earth creationists, because it was not believed that such thick deposits could form rapidly.

A 1976 discovery confirmed that rapid formation of thick diatomaceous earth deposits are possible. At a diatomaceous earth quarry in Lompoc, California, workers of the Dicalite Division of Grefco Corporation uncovered the fossil skeleton of a The Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) is a baleen whale.The Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) is a baleen whale. This fossil is about eighty feet long. Billions of the tiny diatom shells could not have gradually buried the skeleton over millions of years, because the skeleton would not have lasted that long. Dead ocean creatures do not become fossils, because they rot and even their bones disintegrate. In order for a fossil the size of this whale to form, it would have to be buried deeply and quickly. Only quick burial could have sealed the remains from the effects of atmosphere, bacteria, and scavengers. The formation containing this whale fossil had to have been deposited quickly. The better scientists understand the fossil record, the more reasons they have to believe in a worldwide flood and to abandon the old-earth theory.

The above document is from It’s a Young World After All, p.81-83 as quoted in A Closer Look At The Evidence by Richard & Tina Kleiss.

“This is what the LORD says, he who made the earth, the LORD who formed it and established it–the LORD is his name: ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ ”(Jeremiah 33:2-3)


Evidence From Astronomy

September 12th, 2009


There are more than 1022 stars in the universe, but each one is unique. No two stars have exactly the same properties. This may sound like guesswork, since we have analyzed very few stars in detail; but the conclusion is a certainty. A star has so many variables that the probability of two identical stars is essentially zero. These variables include the total number of atoms, the exact composition of elements, its size, and its temperature. Some stars show obvious color and brightness differences. Others require spectroscopic study to detect each star’s particular identity or fingerprint.

The Bible states in I Corinthians 15:41 that “star differs from star in splendor.” How could ancient man have known this? It is only logical to conclude that the Creator of the stars chose to tell man to include this in the Bible. In Psalm 147:4 the Bible also says that God “determines the number of stars and calls each by name.” Truly God’s abilities have no limit.

The above document is from Astronomy and the Bible, p.56-57 as quoted in A Closer Look At The Evidence by Richard & Tina Kleiss.

The sun has one kind of splendor, the moon another and the stars another; and star differs from star in splendor. (1 Corinthians 15:41)