Archive for the ‘Scientific Law’ category


May 1st, 2010

The Sky Is Falling Again
Um, never mind. On March 12, 1998, on the front page of The New York Times, a headline read: “Asteroid Is Expected to Make a Pass Close to Earth in 2028.” Brian G. Marsden, director of the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, predicted that on October 26, 2028, an asteroid about a mile in diameter would come within 30,000 miles of Earth. That’s within spitting distance, spacewise, which evoked comparisons to the asteroid that crashed on the Yucatàn peninsula 65 million years ago, allegedly wiping out all the dinosaurs. “When you first discover a comet, or any kind of body, you start measuring its position,” notes Robert Park. “From that you extract its trajectory. The more measurements you make, the more accurate your trajectory gets.” Marsden issued his warnings based on very early trajectory measurements. Now he anticipates the asteroid will pass Earth at a safe distance of 600,000 miles.

Nuclear Winter of Our Discontent
In 1983, astronomer Carl Sagan coauthored an article in Science that shook the world: “Nuclear Winter: Global Consequences of Multiple Nuclear Explosions” warned that nuclear war could send a giant cloud of dust into the atmosphere that would cover the globe, blocking sunlight and invoking a climatic change similar to that which might have ended the existence of dinosaurs. Skeptical atmospheric scientists argued that Sagan’s model ignored a variety of factors, including the fact that the dust would have to reach the highest levels of the atmosphere not to be dissipated by rainfall. In a 1990 article in Science, Sagan and his original coauthors admitted that their initial temperature estimates were wrong. They concluded that an all-out nuclear war could reduce average temperatures at most by 36 degrees Fahrenheit in northern climes. The chilling effect, in other words, would be more of a nuclear autumn.

Piltdown Chicken
The finding was initially trumpeted as the missing link that proved birds evolved from dinosaurs. In 1999 a fossil smuggled out of China allegedly showing a dinosaur with birdlike plumage was displayed triumphantly at the National Geographic Society and written up in the society’s November magazine. Paleontologists were abuzz. Unfortunately, like the hominid skull with an ape jaw discovered in the Piltdown quarries of England in 1912, the whole thing turned out to be a hoax. The fossil apparently was the flight of fancy of a Chinese farmer who had rigged together bird bits and a meat-eater’s tail.

The “Archaeoraptor” fake

In 1999, a supposed ‘missing link’ fossil of an apparently feathered dinosaur named Archaeoraptor liaoningensis“, found in Liaoning Province, northeastern China, turned out to be a forgery. Comparing the photograph of the specimen with another find, Chinese paleontologist Xu Xing came to the conclusion that it was composed of two portions of different fossil animals. His claim made National Geographic review their research and they too came to the same conclusion.[7] The bottom portion of the “Archaeoraptor” composite came from a legitimate feathered dromaeosaurid now known as Microraptor, and the upper portion from a previously-known primitive bird called Yanornis.

Editor’s note: I know that nonsense is spelled wrong. I hyphenated it for effect.  Recently “global warming” has come to light as a complete hoax (post coming). Hoaxes, frauds and half-truths have been around since the fall of man from grace in the Garden of Eden. Today (the last 200 years), evil men diligently work towards enslaving you to take your money, your freedom and if possible your soul. You have a choice, either follow the truth or sell yourself into bondage.

This blog will continue to expose pseudo science. Make sure that you scrutinize all science that is contrary to GOD’s WORD. Take off your (if you are wearing them) evolutionary glasses and look at look at true science through GOD’s WORD and you will never be lead astray by hucksters who try to minimize GOD’s WORD which rightfully proclaims that HE created everything seen and unseen. The science says that there can be no other explanation. See Romans 1:20-23 if you are looking for an excuse.


Scientific Hoaxs

January 31st, 2010


Piltdown Man Hoax: Perpetrated in 1912. The Piltdown Man Hoax led to erroneous pictures of mankind’s supposed ape-like ancestors in textbooks for 70+ years.

Editor’s Note: This hoax has recently been spotted as an example of evolution nearly 100 years after it was found to be one of the greatest hoaxes in history. “The significance of the specimen remained the subject of controversy until it was exposed in 1953 as a forgery, consisting of the lower jawbone of an orangutan that had been deliberately combined with the skull of a fully developed modern man.”


Biogenetic Law Fraud: Ernst Haeckel was actually called before a board of examiners and chastised for fudging the data. He proposed Biogenetic Law was supported with fraudulent pictures showing similarities of human embryos to those of fish, pig, chicken,etc. This was his attempt to demonstrate our common ancestry with animals. Although discredited 100 years ago, his drawings are still in some textbooks today.

Stem Cell Fraud: South Korean stem-cell researcher, Woo Suk Hwang, was “the centre of one of  the largest investigations of scientific fraud in living memory.” Hwang was discredited by his own home research institution,  Seoul National University, for presenting fraudulent data,  Nature Reported.  “The revelation has destroyed the best evidence so far that stem cells can be extracted from a clone matched to a specific patient. With Hwang discredited, both the field of therapeutic cloning and the public’s trust in science have suffered a serious setback.”  Nature, 1-11-2006

Scientists Invent Results: Times Online (June 4, 2009) headline reports that “One in seven scientists say colleagues fake data.” That figure applies to serious breaches of “acceptable conduct by inventing results.” The article went on to say that “46 percent say that they have observed fellow scientists engage in ‘questionable practices‘, such as presenting data selectively or changing the conclusions of a study in response to pressure from a funding source.”

ClimateGate: Washington Times (Nov 20, 24, etc. 2009) reported on potential fraud relating to global warming turned up by hackers breaking into the e-mails from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia (UAE) in England. “Those e-mails involved communication among many scientific researchers and policy advocates with similar ideological positions all across the world. Those purported authorities were brazenly discussing the destruction and hiding of data that did not support global-warming claims.” If investigations confirm that climate data has been hidden which negates the currently “politically correct” global warming hysteria, as well as the attempt to silence the “dissenters,” this would likely become the biggest scandal ever perpetrated on the whole world.

Editor’s Note: These are just a small sampling of the plethora of  “scientific” frauds that have been told and written over and over again. Creation-Facts will continue to expose these frauds a few at a time.

The above articles were taken from Think & Believe (January/February, 2010 Vol 28, No 1) newsletter written by Dave Nutting of Alpha Omega Institute of Grand Junction, CO.

Evidence From Astronomy

September 12th, 2009


There are more than 1022 stars in the universe, but each one is unique. No two stars have exactly the same properties. This may sound like guesswork, since we have analyzed very few stars in detail; but the conclusion is a certainty. A star has so many variables that the probability of two identical stars is essentially zero. These variables include the total number of atoms, the exact composition of elements, its size, and its temperature. Some stars show obvious color and brightness differences. Others require spectroscopic study to detect each star’s particular identity or fingerprint.

The Bible states in I Corinthians 15:41 that “star differs from star in splendor.” How could ancient man have known this? It is only logical to conclude that the Creator of the stars chose to tell man to include this in the Bible. In Psalm 147:4 the Bible also says that God “determines the number of stars and calls each by name.” Truly God’s abilities have no limit.

The above document is from Astronomy and the Bible, p.56-57 as quoted in A Closer Look At The Evidence by Richard & Tina Kleiss.

The sun has one kind of splendor, the moon another and the stars another; and star differs from star in splendor. (1 Corinthians 15:41)

The Golden Ratio

August 2nd, 2009

In the year 1202 the Italian mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci worked out a problem about rabbits having babies and discovered a pattern of numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144,233,377, and so on. Every number in the pattern was the addition of the two that came before it: 0+1= 1, 1+1= 2, 1+2= 3, 2+3= S, 3+5= 8,5+8= 13, 8+13= 21, and so on. We see these Fibonacci numbers showing up over, and over, and over in nature.


If you ignore the zero, and divide a Fibonacci number into the one before it you get: 1, 2, 1.5, 1.67, 1.6, 1.625, 1.615, 1.619, 1.617,1.618,1.617,1.618,1.618, etc. After the first few, the answer lS always close to 1.618. Now you might ask yourself, “So what? What does 1.618 have to do with anything?” Well, as it turns out, that’s a very special number – so special, in fact, that it’s called the “golden ratio“.

The ancient Greeks based a lot of their art and buildings on the golden ratio (often shown as the Greek letter Phi Φ). The length of the Parthenon, for example, is a rectangle 1.618 times as long as it is wide (known as a golden rectangle). They also designed much of their pottery with the same ratio. Now why did they do that? They did it because they believed that this special ratio was much more pleasing to the human eye than any other ratio. Many of the great artists used the golden ratio in their art. For example, Mona Lisa‘s face is 1.618 times as long as it is wide. Beautiful symphonies also have the same golden ratio. The first movement is usually 1.618 times as long as the second one.

So why do we find that number so pleasing to the eye and to the ear? Do we find it beautiful because it copies creation, the work of the Master Artist, God? Could it be that the golden ratio is one of the blueprints God used in His creation? Let’s look at a few of the other ways that the number 1.618 shows up over, and over, and over again throughout the universe.

ΦEach segment in your finger is roughly 1.618 times as long as the next one.

Φ Your forearm is approximately 1.618 times as long as your hand.

Φ People with mouths 1.618 times as wide as their noses, are often considered the most beautiful.

Φ In addition, the distance between their pupils is about 1.618 times as wide as their mouths.

The leaves and stems of some trees are arranged at 137.5 degrees from each other. That angle lets the sun shine on the greatest number of leaves. When you draw that angle inside a circle, you get two pieces. Divide 137.5° into 222.5° and you get … 1.618!

If you make a spiral based on Fibonacci numbers, where every quarter turn is 1.618 times as far from the center as the previous one, you get what is known as a “golden spiral”. Amazingly, most of the spirals found in nature are golden spirals.

The list of golden ratios goes on and on and on. From art and music to nature and science, 1.618 keeps showing up over and over. It is almost as if “Somebody” used that number as a measuring stick for the universe. It just can’t be an accident. Many people call the golden ratio the “divine proportion” because it is clear only God could have done it!

The above document was published by Alpha Omega Institute, Kids Think and Believe, March-April 2006 and authored by Lanny & Marilyn Johnson.


July 27th, 2009


Have you considered. . . .

We could not breathe without the moon! Day in and day out earth’s moon causes the ocean tides. The moon’s gravity pulls upon the water as it orbits the earth resulting in the water bulging, and we experience high tides while some parts have low tides. As the earth rotates, the moon causes two high tides and two low tides every 24 hours. When these high tides wash up on shore. they drag back into the ocean anything in its path, including impurities. These impurities are then eaten by microbes deep within the oceans. The high tides are actually cleaning our shorelines! What if there was no moon? Our oceans would not have [sufficient]  tides resulting in stagnant and stinking oceans. Sea life would die, ocean plant life would also die. Much of earth’s oxygen comes from plants in the ocean. If sea plants died, we would not have sufficient oxygen for life. Our very breath is dependent on lunar tides!

. . . stop and consider God’s wonders. (Job 37:14)

Our Creator has given us an unusually large moon with enough gravity to pull on the ocean waters. He provides everything we need! Count your blessings.

This post was taken from The Twin Cities Creation Science Association Creation Bulletin Vol. 35, No. 3 as written by Julie Von Vett who is available to speak (651) 464-4361


July 25th, 2009


It is false to say that you cannot be a true scientist if you believe in creation. The very founders of the scientific methods and the scientists who developed some of the most important foundational principles of modern science were primarily creationists. Creationists find themselves in the company of great men of science such as Robert Boyle, George Washington Carver, Michael Faraday, John Ambrose Fleming, James Joule, Lord Kelvin, Carolus Linneaus, Matthew Maury, Joseph Clerk Maxwell, Gregor Mendel, Samuel F.B. Morse, Isaac Newton, Louis Pasteur, William Ramsay and Leonardo da Vinci. Many scientists, such as Carolus Linnaeus, George Washington Carver and Matthew Maury, claim to have received their inspirational ideas directly from the Bible. There are also many creation scientists today who are top in their fields. Their, belief in creation and a young earth has not proven to be a hindrance, but actually an asset to their scientific endeavors.

The discoveries of these great men of science are a testament to their belief in the Creator of a designed universe. Their Confidence to pursue scientific discoveries was and continues to be a natural outcome of their belief that discovering how the world works is possible because the universe is the product of an intelligent and all-powerful Designer of order.

The above was taken from Men of Science, Men of God, p. 1-3 as quoted in A Closer Look At The Evidence, by Richard & Tina Kleiss.

The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. (Psalm 119: 130)


Evidence from Physics

July 19th, 2009

Photo By: Jay R. Ballauer

Many people believe that the universe is infinitely old and has been around forever. They believe that the universe does not have a creator, because the universe is all there is. The fact that the universe is not uniform in temperature disproves this fact belief.

One of the most fundamental laws of the universe is that heat always flows from hot to cold. In other words, left to itself, a hot object eventually cools down. Yet our universe is full of hot objects. If the universe were infinitely old, the temperature throughout the universe should be uniform. Several logical deductions can be drawn from this observation:

  • Since the temperature of the universe is not uniform, the universe is not  infinitely old.
  • If the universe is not infinitely old, it must have had a beginning.
  • Since the universe had to have a beginning, it must have had a creator; because something cannot come from nothing. (The Law of Biogenesis)

The Bible is the only book which describes the character, methods, and purpose of that Creator. We owe it to ourselves to study both the universe when HE made and the book that HE has inspired. both will allow us to know this Creator better.

The above was taken from In The Beginning, 7th Edition P. 24 as quoted in A Closer Look At The Evidence, by Richard & Tina Kleiss.

Oh LORD, you are my GOD; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago.   Isaiah 25:1



July 17th, 2009

The following definitions are taken from the Oxford English and the World Book Dictionaries and is quoted here from an article written by Dr. Dave Demick, M.D. in Think & Believe published by Alpha Omega Institute, September / October 2005.

SCIENTIFIC LAW—- A regular pattern of occurrence of natural events, so regular and predictable that there are few or no exceptions. The fewer the exceptions to a law, the better established it is.

FACT —- That which exists, something witnessed firsthand, a datum of experience (plural: data)

—- A framework of scientific explanation concerning a certain phenomenon or group of phenomena, which has gained validity by showing predictive power or explaining newly observed facts.

HYPOTHESIS —- A tentative scientific explanation for a set of observed facts, subject to future proof (or disproof) through further observation / experimentation. The usual progression is that a hypothesis graduates to being a theory.

CONJECTURE —- An opinion or conclusion based on incomplete information; a guess.

Take every statement made about evolution and judge that statement according to the above definitions. You will find that each evolutionary statement falls short of  each definition except conjecture. Every “proof” that has been touted as “proof of evolution” has eventually been exposed as a fraud or seriously misrepresented. See future posts for many examples of these misrepresentations.