Posts Tagged ‘Earth’


May 1st, 2010

The Sky Is Falling Again
Um, never mind. On March 12, 1998, on the front page of The New York Times, a headline read: “Asteroid Is Expected to Make a Pass Close to Earth in 2028.” Brian G. Marsden, director of the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, predicted that on October 26, 2028, an asteroid about a mile in diameter would come within 30,000 miles of Earth. That’s within spitting distance, spacewise, which evoked comparisons to the asteroid that crashed on the Yucatàn peninsula 65 million years ago, allegedly wiping out all the dinosaurs. “When you first discover a comet, or any kind of body, you start measuring its position,” notes Robert Park. “From that you extract its trajectory. The more measurements you make, the more accurate your trajectory gets.” Marsden issued his warnings based on very early trajectory measurements. Now he anticipates the asteroid will pass Earth at a safe distance of 600,000 miles.

Nuclear Winter of Our Discontent
In 1983, astronomer Carl Sagan coauthored an article in Science that shook the world: “Nuclear Winter: Global Consequences of Multiple Nuclear Explosions” warned that nuclear war could send a giant cloud of dust into the atmosphere that would cover the globe, blocking sunlight and invoking a climatic change similar to that which might have ended the existence of dinosaurs. Skeptical atmospheric scientists argued that Sagan’s model ignored a variety of factors, including the fact that the dust would have to reach the highest levels of the atmosphere not to be dissipated by rainfall. In a 1990 article in Science, Sagan and his original coauthors admitted that their initial temperature estimates were wrong. They concluded that an all-out nuclear war could reduce average temperatures at most by 36 degrees Fahrenheit in northern climes. The chilling effect, in other words, would be more of a nuclear autumn.

Piltdown Chicken
The finding was initially trumpeted as the missing link that proved birds evolved from dinosaurs. In 1999 a fossil smuggled out of China allegedly showing a dinosaur with birdlike plumage was displayed triumphantly at the National Geographic Society and written up in the society’s November magazine. Paleontologists were abuzz. Unfortunately, like the hominid skull with an ape jaw discovered in the Piltdown quarries of England in 1912, the whole thing turned out to be a hoax. The fossil apparently was the flight of fancy of a Chinese farmer who had rigged together bird bits and a meat-eater’s tail.

The “Archaeoraptor” fake

In 1999, a supposed ‘missing link’ fossil of an apparently feathered dinosaur named Archaeoraptor liaoningensis“, found in Liaoning Province, northeastern China, turned out to be a forgery. Comparing the photograph of the specimen with another find, Chinese paleontologist Xu Xing came to the conclusion that it was composed of two portions of different fossil animals. His claim made National Geographic review their research and they too came to the same conclusion.[7] The bottom portion of the “Archaeoraptor” composite came from a legitimate feathered dromaeosaurid now known as Microraptor, and the upper portion from a previously-known primitive bird called Yanornis.

Editor’s note: I know that nonsense is spelled wrong. I hyphenated it for effect.  Recently “global warming” has come to light as a complete hoax (post coming). Hoaxes, frauds and half-truths have been around since the fall of man from grace in the Garden of Eden. Today (the last 200 years), evil men diligently work towards enslaving you to take your money, your freedom and if possible your soul. You have a choice, either follow the truth or sell yourself into bondage.

This blog will continue to expose pseudo science. Make sure that you scrutinize all science that is contrary to GOD’s WORD. Take off your (if you are wearing them) evolutionary glasses and look at look at true science through GOD’s WORD and you will never be lead astray by hucksters who try to minimize GOD’s WORD which rightfully proclaims that HE created everything seen and unseen. The science says that there can be no other explanation. See Romans 1:20-23 if you are looking for an excuse.


Evidence From Earth’s Ecology

September 13th, 2009


There are several thousand species of wasps that help control crop pests by using them for food. These wasps are a popular form of pest control among farmers and gardeners. Biologists have found that the wasps do more than just eat the pests. The wasps also wage an incredibly complicated form of biological warfare.

Wasps inject their eggs directly into wormlike pest larvae. These eggs are coated with a virus that keeps the larvae from maturing until the young wasps hatch. The virus then seems to move to the larva’s liverlike organ and affects the insect’s immune system. The virus also acts on the larva’s endocrine system to take away its appetite. As a result, the larva destroys less crop, and being starved for food, does not develop into an adult. This gives the wasp eggs more time to develop into young wasps, who will then finish off the pests.

God created this earth with careful balance. Unfortunately this balance was upset by man’s actions in the Garden of Eden. The world we now live in groans with the pain of sin–resulting in warfare at all levels of the plant and animal kingdom. Yet God still designed and maintains a balance in the fallen creation. When mankind takes the time to study this finely balanced and intricately designed world, he can’t help but see God’s hand everywhere he looks.

It is my pleasure to tell you about the miraculous signs and wonders that the Most High God has performed for me. How great are his signs, how mighty his wonders!… (Daniel 4:2-3)

The above was quoted from Lett ing God Create Your Day, Vol. 3, p.216 as depicted in A Closer Look At The Evidence by Richard & Tina Kleiss.



July 30th, 2009


Evolutionary scientists believe that matter spewed from exploding stars was used to form planets. They teach that the solar system and the sun formed from this great cloud of compacting gas. Yet they have no undisputed explanation for why Mars, Earth, Venus and Mercury do not have the same high percentage of hydrogen and helium as our sun and the rest of the visible universe. Less than 1% of these planets are composed of hydrogen and helium.

How could this be, given the current prevalent theory that our solar system is the result of a condensing  cloud of hydrogen gas? How could 99.86% of the mass within our solar system (our sun) be made of hydrogen and helium, while the four planets closest to the sun are composed almost entirely of heavier elements?

Something is seriously wrong with the theory of solar system evolution, which is being taught to our children as if it were a fact.

The above was taken from In The Beginning, 7th Ed., p.19 as quoted in A Closer Look At The Evidence, by Richard & Tina Kleiss.

Praise Him, you highest heavens and you waters above the skies. Let them praise the name of the LORD, for He commanded and they were created.  (Psalm 148:4-5)